Cybersecurity Awareness Month

What a fine month to have some awareness! If you are like me the word Awareness brings back thought of mandatory classes and time consuming things that make me shutter and want to fall asleep! I promise this word about this month will not have the same effect (and if it does - sorry).

Its October, the weather has begun to change and the harvest has begun. Its a great time for change, so as a Cybersecurity professional I must insert the mandatory reminder to change your passwords! When creating that new password here are the recommendations of the state of Illinois on making your new password as well as some other items that I agree with:

Password protection is the single most important thing you can do to keep your data safe.

  • Use a unique password for each account. - Sounds impossible right? Nope…. Lastpass! Check them out and secure yourself better than ever before.

  • Avoid using known information about you in your passwords. - It can take me (and anyone else who wants to know) approximately 5 minutes to figure out your maiden name and your pets name or your Childs name. Stop using these as part of your password. It is better to make it up, use your invisible friend from when you were a kid, or the name of your favorite stuffed animal from then.

  • Use a combination of upper and lowercase characters. - You have read about my thoughts on this and if you havent please check them out here.

  • Keep your Internet browser and operating system up to date with the latest versions. - Most of this has been automated over the years, but it never hurts to hit update every once in a while.

  • Be cautious about any online offers. - The old adage if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Same thing online, don’t just click thinking you will get a million dollars, that Nigeran prince really isn’t real. They have a prince and he is rich, I doubt he wants to give anyone money let alone you.

  • Monitor your online bank and credit accounts for unauthorized or suspicious spending. - This is a no-brainer thing, I am betting you already do this and dont realize it. But for those of you who are not doing it I recommend getting logged on and watching your information. Lock your credit file while you are at it! Learn more.

  • Talk with your family about the importance of cybersecurity, make it a fun conversation with things that bring light but easy to remember situations. - What if someone sees that picture of you as a kid wearing the funniest outfit? Once its on the internet it never comes back so it would be terrible to have that show up in a job interview process.

  • While we are on the topic of things, dont forget to check your air filters in your furnace in preperation for the cooler weather.

  • Change those batteries in your smoke detectors! - just do it, you know you need to.

  • And change your passwords…

See? Not that bad! Hopefully, you are still awake and ready to put some of that new knowledge to work. This is the level of attention you and your people deserve, and we provide, here at Sparrowhawk Technology! Have a great day and remember to keep your Technology safe!

image sourced from

Keeping Your Technology Safe: A Laughing Matter?


Hackers target small businesses too!